Scientific Name | Ficinia dura Turrill |
Higher Classification | Monocotyledons |
National Status |
Status and Criteria | Endangered B1ab(ii,iii,v) |
Assessment Date | 2007/09/17 |
Assessor(s) | N.A. Helme & D. Raimondo |
Justification | Known from four locations on the Agulhas Plain (EOO 683 km²). It is threatened by infestations of invasive alien plants and habitat loss to crop cultivation. |
Distribution |
Endemism | South African endemic |
Provincial distribution | Western Cape |
Range | Stanford to Bredasdorp. |
Habitat and Ecology |
Major system | Terrestrial |
Major habitats | Central Ruens Shale Renosterveld, Elim Ferricrete Fynbos |
Description | Lowland fynbos, deep sandy flats and lower slopes below 100 m. |
Threats |
Threatened by ongoing habitat loss to wheat, pasture, vineyard and protea cultivation.The spread of invasive alien plants is also a threat. |
Population |
Population trend | Decreasing |
Assessment History |
Taxon assessed |
Status and Criteria |
Citation/Red List version | Ficinia dura Turrill | EN B1ab(ii,iii,v) | Raimondo et al. (2009) | |
Bibliography |
Goldblatt, P. and Manning, J.C. 2000. Cape Plants: A conspectus of the Cape Flora of South Africa. Strelitzia 9. National Botanical Institute, Cape Town.
Raimondo, D., von Staden, L., Foden, W., Victor, J.E., Helme, N.A., Turner, R.C., Kamundi, D.A. and Manyama, P.A. 2009. Red List of South African Plants. Strelitzia 25. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria.
Citation |
Helme, N.A. & Raimondo, D. 2007. Ficinia dura Turrill. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version . Accessed on 2024/09/15 |