Scientific Name
Rhynchosia galpinii Baker f.
Higher Classification
National Status
Status and Criteria
Data Deficient - Taxonomically Problematic
Assessment Date
L. von Staden
A poorly known, taxonomically problematic species. It is possibly widespread across eastern South Africa, but may also be restricted to the Barberton area. Based on currently available data, its risk of extinction cannot be assessed. It is therefore listed as Data Deficient - Taxonomically Problematic (DDT).
Not endemic to South Africa
Provincial distribution
This species was described from the Barberton area in South Africa (Baker 1923), and has also been recorded in Swaziland (Compton 1976) and Mozambique (Verdcourt 2001). It is possibly more widespread in South Africa, but the identification of records from Limpopo and KwaZulu-Natal is uncertain.
Habitat and Ecology
Major system
Major habitats
Long Tom Pass Montane Grassland, Steenkampsberg Montane Grassland, Barberton Montane Grassland, KaNgwane Montane Grassland
Plants grow in open, dense woodland on stony slopes.
It is currently uncertain as to what the threats to this species are. It is possibly threatened by habitat loss to timber plantations in the past, and currently by expansion of mines, and spreading alien invasive plants.

This species is known from a few, scattered records and was last recorded in South Africa in 1971. Locality descriptions are vague, making it difficult to infer its habitat preferences. The current population trend is not known.

Population trend
Assessment History
Taxon assessed
Status and Criteria
Citation/Red List version
Rhynchosia galpinii Baker f.DDT 2020.1
Rhynchosia galpinii Baker f.Least Concern Raimondo et al. (2009)

Baker, E.G. 1923. Revision of South African species of Rhynchosia. Bothalia 1:113-138.

Burtt Davy, J. 1932. A manual of the flowering plants and ferns of the Transvaal with Swaziland, South Africa. Part II. Malvaceae-Umbelliferae. Longmans, Green & Co., London.

Compton, R.H. 1976. The flora of Swaziland. Journal of South African Botany Supplement 11:259-264.

Raimondo, D., von Staden, L., Foden, W., Victor, J.E., Helme, N.A., Turner, R.C., Kamundi, D.A. and Manyama, P.A. 2009. Red List of South African Plants. Strelitzia 25. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria.

Verdcourt, B. 2001. Rhynchosia. In: G.V. Pope and R.M. Polhill (eds). Flora Zambesiaca 3 (Part 5):168-210. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

von Staden, L. 2018. Rhynchosia galpinii Baker f. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version . Accessed on 2025/02/18

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