Scientific Name | Geissorhiza karooica Goldblatt |
Higher Classification | Monocotyledons |
Family | IRIDACEAE |
National Status |
Status and Criteria | Near Threatened D2 |
Assessment Date | 2023/06/01 |
Assessor(s) | P. Goldblatt, D. Raimondo & N.A. Helme |
Justification | This species has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 574 km² and an area of occupancy (AOO) of 36 km². It is known from seven locations where it is potentially threatened by habitat loss and degradation as a result of overgrazing and the development of windfarms. It is listed as Near Threatened, almost meeting criteria D to be listed as Vulnerable. |
Distribution |
Endemism | South African endemic |
Provincial distribution | Northern Cape, Western Cape |
Range | It is endemic to South Africa, and is found on the margins of the western Karoo between Matjiesfontein and Whitehill in Western Cape and in the Klein Roggeveld Mountains in Northern Cape. |
Habitat and Ecology |
Major system | Terrestrial |
Major habitats | Koedoesberge-Moordenaars Karoo, Central Mountain Shale Renosterveld |
Description | It occurs in succulent karoo shrubland, on coarse, broken shale flats and slopes. |
Threats |
This species is potentially threatened by habitat loss and degradation as a result of overgrazing and erosion. With a lot of wind farm development for renewable energy across its range it is potentially threatened by habitat loss to windfarm infrastructure development. |
Population |
Most of the records collected since 2010 indicate that the plants are localised with fewer than 20 plants observed from each stand of plants posted on iNaturalist. However one subpopulation at Ghaap Kop near Matjiesfontein was noted to be abundant at the time of collection in 1981, a resurvey of this subpopulation is required to check if the subpopulation has declined since then. However, at this stage the population is inferred to have a stable trend.
Population trend | Stable |
Assessment History |
Taxon assessed |
Status and Criteria |
Citation/Red List version | Geissorhiza karooica Goldblatt | VU D2 | 2012.1 | Geissorhiza karooica Goldblatt | VU D2 | Raimondo et al. (2009) | Geissorhiza karooica Goldblatt | Rare | Hilton-Taylor (1996) | |
Bibliography |
Goldblatt, P. 1985. Systematics of the southern African genus Geissorhiza (Iridaceae-Ixioideae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 72(2):277-447.
Goldblatt, P. and Manning, J.C. 2020. Iridaceae of southern Africa. Strelitzia 42. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria.
Hilton-Taylor, C. 1996. Red data list of southern African plants. Strelitzia 4. South African National Botanical Institute, Pretoria.
Manning, J., Goldblatt, P. and Snijman, D. 2002. The color encyclopedia of Cape bulbs. Timber Press, Portland/Cambridge.
Raimondo, D., von Staden, L., Foden, W., Victor, J.E., Helme, N.A., Turner, R.C., Kamundi, D.A. and Manyama, P.A. 2009. Red List of South African Plants. Strelitzia 25. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria.
Snijman, D.A. 2013. Plants of the Greater Cape Floristic Region 2: The extra Cape flora. Strelitzia 30. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria.
Citation |
Goldblatt, P., Raimondo, D. & Helme, N.A. 2023. Geissorhiza karooica Goldblatt. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version . Accessed on 2024/09/08 |