Scientific Name
Geissorhiza louisabolusiae R.C.Foster
Higher Classification
Geissorhiza louisabolusiae R.C.Foster var. longifolia R.C.Foster
National Status
Status and Criteria
Endangered B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)+2ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)
Assessment Date
P. Goldblatt, R.C. Turner & T. Patel
The species has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 1883 km² and an area of occupancy (AOO) of 36 km². The population is known to exist in between three and five extant locations and is experiencing a decline due to severe ongoing habitat loss caused by citrus cultivation at Citrusdal and in the Koue Bokkeveld. Therefore, it is listed as Endangered under criteria B.
South African endemic
Provincial distribution
Western Cape
An endemic to the Western Cape province of South Africa, that is found in the Olifants River Valley and the Koue Bokkeveld.
Habitat and Ecology
Major system
Major habitats
Citrusdal Shale Renosterveld, Kouebokkeveld Shale Fynbos, Kouebokkeveld Alluvium Fynbos
It occurs in seasonally wet, often waterlogged sandy flats and vleis or shallow marshy sites.
The species has lost 24% of its habitat (calculated using landcover data in GIS) primarily due to the cultivation of citrus, vineyards, and vegetables. Ongoing crop cultivation remains a threat. Additionally, past habitat loss has occurred due to urban development in Citrusdal. Alien invasive plants are spreading, and without proper management, they are likely to outcompete native species.

The population has a decreasing trend and is known from between three and five extant subpopulations. More than half of the historic records for this species are from subpopulations that have been lost to crop cultivation.

Population trend
It is not currently conserved in any formally protected area.
Assessment History
Taxon assessed
Status and Criteria
Citation/Red List version
Geissorhiza louisabolusiae R.C.FosterEN B1ab(ii,iii,v)Raimondo et al. (2009)
Geissorhiza louisabolusiae R.C.FosterEndangered Hilton-Taylor (1996)

Goldblatt, P. 1985. Systematics of the southern African genus Geissorhiza (Iridaceae-Ixioideae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 72(2):277-447.

Goldblatt, P. and Manning, J.C. 2000. Cape Plants: A conspectus of the Cape Flora of South Africa. Strelitzia 9. National Botanical Institute, Cape Town.

Goldblatt, P. and Manning, J.C. 2020. Iridaceae of southern Africa. Strelitzia 42. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria.

Hilton-Taylor, C. 1996. Red data list of southern African plants. Strelitzia 4. South African National Botanical Institute, Pretoria.

Raimondo, D., von Staden, L., Foden, W., Victor, J.E., Helme, N.A., Turner, R.C., Kamundi, D.A. and Manyama, P.A. 2009. Red List of South African Plants. Strelitzia 25. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria.

Goldblatt, P., Turner, R.C. & Patel, T. 2023. Geissorhiza louisabolusiae R.C.Foster. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version . Accessed on 2024/09/14

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