Scientific Name | Kalanchoe alticola Compton |
Higher Classification | Dicotyledons |
National Status |
Status and Criteria | Data Deficient - Insufficient Information |
Assessment Date | 2007/02/11 |
Assessor(s) | P.M. Burgoyne, J.E. Burrows, M. Lötter & L. von Staden |
Justification | There are no precise sites for this species in South Africa and collections are generally old. In Swaziland it occurs in an area heavily transformed by sugarcane. Surveys are needed to determine the status of this species. |
Distribution |
Endemism | Not endemic to South Africa |
Provincial distribution | Mpumalanga |
Range | Barberton to north-eastern Swaziland. |
Habitat and Ecology |
Major system | Terrestrial |
Major habitats | Grassland |
Description | Shallow peaty soils on granite rock, or in rock crevices, 900-1800 m. |
Threats |
Unknown. This species is very poorly known and has not been collected in a very long time. It is found in an area extensively transformed by commercial sugarcane farming, but it is not known whether this have/may affect this species. Could also potentially be threatened by invasive alien plants. |
Population |
Population trend | Unknown |
Assessment History |
Taxon assessed |
Status and Criteria |
Citation/Red List version | Kalanchoe alticola Compton | Data Deficient | Raimondo et al. (2009) | Kalanchoe alticola Compton | Rare | Hilton-Taylor (1996) | Kalanchoe alticola Compton | Rare | Hall et al. (1980) | |
Bibliography |
Compton, R.H. 1976. The flora of Swaziland. Journal of South African Botany Supplement 11:259-264.
Hall, A.V., De Winter, M., De Winter, B. and Van Oosterhout, S.A.M. 1980. Threatened plants of southern Africa. South African National Scienctific Programmes Report 45. CSIR, Pretoria.
Hilton-Taylor, C. 1996. Red data list of southern African plants. Strelitzia 4. South African National Botanical Institute, Pretoria.
Raimondo, D., von Staden, L., Foden, W., Victor, J.E., Helme, N.A., Turner, R.C., Kamundi, D.A. and Manyama, P.A. 2009. Red List of South African Plants. Strelitzia 25. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria.
Tölken, H.R. 1985. Crassulaceae. In: O.A. Leistner (ed). Flora of southern Africa 14,1:1-244. Botanical Research Institute, Pretoria.
Citation |
Burgoyne, P.M., Burrows, J.E., Lötter, M. & von Staden, L. 2007. Kalanchoe alticola Compton. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version . Accessed on 2025/01/18 |